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  • vintage wedding photographers, vintage wedding photography. We are Modern Vintage wedding photographers that specialize in travel weddings. Our goal is to capture timeless moments in a fine art style, inspired by the colors and softness of vintage wedding photography

Britney & Corey – A sweet southern Alabama Wedding

Hello Lovelies!!!

So I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty darn glad it’s Friday! This week has been so busy for us. We’ve been busy working non-stop to try to get this blog post up for everyone before the weekend. Hope you all like it! You might recognize this couple from about a year ago….they’re our friends Britney and Corey, and we were there for their actual surprise proposal. Do you guys remember that shoot? Well, at last their wedding day was here and once again we got to be part of such a special moment in their lives. Best part of what we do is getting to experience this part of our couples lives. Love it! Since we are friends with them we also were good friends with a big chunk of people at the wedding…so be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom to see some shots of their awesomeness 🙂 They’re such a lively bunch haha.

Britney and Corey got married in a little town in South Alabama called Enterprise….apparently the town’s claim to fame is the boll weevil. Ever heard of it? It’s an insect that saved their town once upon a time. Story has it that this little fella invaded the city and ate all their cotton! Which you would think would be a bad thing, but not the case (entirely anyways)! Because of the destruction farmers started growing peanuts, and in the early 1900s Enterprise was one of the top producers of peanuts in the country, which saved them. Crazy isn’t it! Something that seems so bad really turned into a blessing. They even erected a monument of the boll weevil to remember what it had done for them. So thank you Mr. Boll Weevil! For being the hero that you are. Much appreciated! haha

Oh and interesting fact of the day…I (Bethany) got bit by an ant the day before the wedding, and it turns out that I’m highly allergic! My whole entire foot swelled up twice the normal size, yeah, not the best timing! So most of the shots I took were standing on one foot or limping pretty bad. Talk about embarrassing…I ended up having to take my shoe off and shoot halfway barefooted by the end of the night. Yep…I pretty much looked like a redneck photographer haha but hey, you have to do what you have to do to get the shot! 🙂

I LOVED her Bouquet!!

This tree!!…It was soooo awesome! We took Britney and Corey to it and Corey said “Wow I’ve been here several times and never noticed this” haha how is that possible, it’s so big? haha

And now my husband standing on the tree…you’ll notice that all the crazy shot pics have whitney in them. Not by coincidence haha! That’s why I love him though.

Our lovely Brother and Sister!

This….this is NOT a band member, this is Evan! haha One of the best karaoke singers on the planet. He rocked out with Don’t Stop Believing…it was awesome!

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